Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy Superbowl?

well i am attending a Superbowl party, but i am going for the BBQ just as much as i am going for the game ;). Neither team really lights my fire, so i think i am going to root for AZ since they are the "underdog." If you share this philosophy with me take heed of this advice: Do not say that in front of 3 co-workers from Pittsburgh. I believe one of them actually said, "Say it again and I am going to throw you through the window!" All in good fun of course... at least i think so :)

anyway so whatever you are doing today enjoy the beautiful weather (well i guess that is for californians only ;) ).


Kira Aderne said...

It sounds so much fun!! a great party to go!

great pic!

Unknown said...

Nice picture, you look so happy!