The sunglasses are by Ray Ban and only $139 (DAD!!! hey you said you read my blog;)) The bucket purse isn't much more and it's by elliot lucca...its on nordies online. The i-pod is because someone stole my last one :( I wish they still made this (above) model. The Black Berry Storm is a bit of a stretch, but i do need a new phone, as mine is falling apart:)
Cute stuff Ashley! I hope Santa is good to you this year!
i like the glasses and i need a new phone...
my coworker/friend had that purse in the lavender ..it's divine!
i know i love the lavendar too, but i have to face the fact that i only wear black...
actually everything on my wishlist is black...
kinda scary
That's a sexy bunch of presents. The glasses are very Audrey Hepburn meets Posh Spice :)
Those are awesome sunglasses... love 'em :)
i really do like the blackberry.
i just hate the new blackberry!
i've got the bold, take this one it's way better i swear :)
nice wishlist by the way
check out my blog
The crackberry storm is only available for verizon. Go to AT&T and get the bold instead, 100x better.
p.s. I want flannel sheets for my bed :)
lovely wishlist
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