This weekend was nice and relaxing! It started off with me getting a tad more than tipsy on friday night(okay i was DRUNK), but then pulling myself together on saturday to get my oil changed and run some other BORING errands. Later that night we headed out to Pomegranate for a delish dinner and then went back to M & B's new place for some drinks. Sunday was lazy, but I did get a blast from the past when i chaught the old 80's flick "Better off Dead" on the ABC family channel. Talk about falling in love with john cusack all over again! Not to mention really enjoying all of the girl characters outfits that i would actually wear right about now. Then i got my lazy butt up to go apartment hunting and I think I actually found a place!!! Lastly, I had a night cap over at Heather's.
What a weekend!
Seriously though, if you love john cusack and haven't seen "Better off Dead" RENT IT!
What a weekend!
Seriously though, if you love john cusack and haven't seen "Better off Dead" RENT IT!
1 comment:
You found a place?! Where is it??? DETAILS!!
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