Monday, November 3, 2008

3 cheers for CHANGE!

ohhhh norcal is so liberal i hardly ever have to read or see any news/business of people voting yes on prop. 8 (LUDICROUS!) but down here it seems that there are a PLETHORA of people who will be doing just that.

I really hope tomorrow brings the much needed change to Washington. I am completely against John McCain's politics and points of view, but what really scares me about his ticket is the young Alaskan brunette running with him. I will be sad for all women if the first woman to win a presidential election as Vice President is Sarah Palin. HELLO it's VICE PRESIDENT that's a BIG DEAL... it isn't like being the student body president, or running a company, or running the HUGE and OVER POPULATED Alaska (all of those words in caps are meant to be uttered sarcastically.

I am ready for change.

"It behooves every man to remember that the work of the critic, is of altogether secondary importance, and that, in the end, progress is accomplished by the man who does things.
Theodore Roosevelt.

I believe Barack Obama is a man who can do things for our country.

Vote for change.

And BTW i have not been this passionate about anything since i wrote that letter to my senior year science teacher in 2001. just kidding, of course!