Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This past Sunday marks the 15-YEAR anniversary of my cousin Paul and his partner Ed. They are both successful business men. They live in San Francisco. They own a home together. They just adopted their first child, Andrew (SO ADORABLE!). They should be married and were planning on it, but California decided to "PROTECT" marriage. What a bunch of BS.

A no on prop 8 would have done nothing to put any one's version/ belief of marriage in jeopardy. You can teach your kids whatever you want. Your church can decided if they will hold gay-marriage ceremonies or not. It doesn't force anyone to change much of anything.

I hate the fact that I could pull any man into a Vegas chapel and get married, doesn't matter how long I've known him. Doesn't matter if we are criminals. Doesn't matter if we are high as a kite. Doesn't matter if he abuses me, or if he abuses kids. I can marry him.

Today Paul and Ed can't get married.

HOW IS THIS OKAY??????????????????????


♥ Marta ♥ said...

Love is love...marriage is something that should be an option for everyone.

Nikki Sanchez said...

Great post. I am disappointed with prop 8 passing, as well... I am just hoping that the federal government will realize that you can't leave everything up to the people... There are too many ignorant people out there, who let their selfish fears take over and cloud their judgment of what is REALLY right and wrong.

Unknown said...

i hate that it passed. it's so wrong. we need to fight it.

Myself said...

I love it. you're so right. fight the h8 with me did you go to the rallies?