Ahhh! After going through old photos i can't help but ask, "what happened?" i used to be...thin. I miss it! I am not sure what happened...other than the plain and simple fact that i am getting (sigh) old. Anyway, these pictures will serve as inspiration for me to watch what i put in my mouth and make a more concerned effort to be physically active!!!
Please share tips and tricks if you have any:)
cute pics!!!! <3
I think you're beautiful at both weights!
Just remember that at the end of the day it comes down to HAPPINESS. Food and weight aren't important, but the way you feel about yourself is :) So if you feel better at a certain weight than try to achieve it, but if you're just as happy either way don't sweat it, as you are a GORGEOUS human being either way.
xo much love and support
P.S. Thank you, as always, for all of the lovely words you leave for me. It is so. appreciated!
exercise moderately and watch what you eat. no other way about it. i still eat whatever i want but i do run on the eliptical about 30 minutes 5 times a week and weekly yoga.
You're still thin! The older I get the mushier I get ...having everything to do with sitting at a desk most of the day. I try to do butt squeezes in my chair and while driving ..lol.
I think you are funny, cute, and darling no matter what you weigh! But you do need to be happy with yourself. We don't like to hear it, but I think Savvy Mode SG is right, "exercise moderately and watch what you eat". UUGH, much easier said than done!
i have to admit, as soon as i saw the bikini photo of you i started prodding at my stomach and thinking i need to start exercising asap because its nearly bikini season here in australia and well i'm less than bikini perfect!
thanks for your comment! cute pic's :) x
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