This is Cafe Flore, where my dad and I spent our turkey day!
I thought this was cute! I guess there are more pedestrians hit in san fran than the 'burbs.I love love loved the light fixtures inside the cafe and the holiday decor:)
My DELISH salad! avacado, feta, in the best pico di gallo dressing i have ever had.
My Dad had chicen and veggies!
Then i met up with these crazy ppl! Dan and Gina. Gina is my bestie from college and she lives far away in vegas now. I miss her a lil everyday!HAHA! us after too many drinks! I look a little like a pregnant tranny, but i dont care! That's my new "i have a job" red coat:)
hard to see, but a barn garage in san fran! we thought it was funny!
Looks like you had a fun Thanksgiving. Great pictures and I LOVE your new "I have a job" red coat!
a pregnant tranny!?!?!>>!>?!?!?!??! ahahahahahahah not even close, but it did make me laugh. Looks like you had a lovely day!
haha it must have been fun! nice photos!
looks fun.
It seems that you had a great time, it is an amazing day for sure!
Thanks a lot for passing at my blog and be welcome any time you want :)
a kiss for you,
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